Professional License Defense Attorney in Decatur

Your professional license is essential to your career and livelihood, and any threat to its status can be a significant source of stress and anxiety.

Whether you are facing an investigation, complaint, or disciplinary action, it is important to have an experienced professional license defense attorney in Decatur by your side to protect your rights and defend your career.

At SHElaw firm®, we have a deep understanding of the laws and regulations that govern your profession, as well as the administrative procedures that come with any disciplinary action.

We work diligently to help our clients navigate the complex legal system and minimize the impact of any disciplinary action on their careers and reputations.

As attorneys, we understand the challenges that licensed professionals face when their license is at risk, as we also have professional licenses that we are required to maintain in good standing.

Our team has the knowledge and experience to help you achieve the best possible outcome and protect your professional license. Contact the SHElaw firm® today at 470-378-1162 to discuss your case and learn how our Decatur criminal defense attorneys can help.

Table of Contents

What is the Process of Complaints and Investigation By Professional Licensing Boards in Georgia?

In the state of Georgia, professional licensing boards are responsible for regulating various licensed professions, including healthcare providers, lawyers, real estate agents, engineers, and many others.

These boards are authorized to investigate complaints against licensed professionals and take disciplinary action if necessary. Here is an overview of the process of complaints and investigation by professional licensing boards in the state of Georgia:

Complaint Filing

Anyone can file a complaint with a professional licensing board in Georgia. Complaints can be submitted online, by email, mail, or by phone.

The complaint must include the name and license number of the professional, a detailed description of the alleged misconduct, and any supporting documentation.


Once a complaint is received, the licensing board will initiate an investigation. The board will notify the licensee of the complaint and request a response. The investigation may involve gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and reviewing medical records or other documents.

Probable Cause Determination

After completing the investigation, the licensing board will determine whether there is probable cause to believe that a violation of the rules or laws governing the profession has occurred.

Administrative Hearing

If the Georgia licensing board determines that probable cause exists, the licensee will be given the opportunity to request an administrative hearing. At the hearing, the licensee will have the opportunity to present evidence and testimony in their defense.

Disciplinary Action

If the licensing board finds that the licensee violated the rules or laws governing the profession, disciplinary action will be taken. The board can impose sanctions ranging from a reprimand or fine to license suspension or revocation.

It is important to note that the process of complaints and investigation by professional licensing boards in Georgia can be complex and challenging to navigate.

It is crucial to have an experienced professional license defense attorney by your side to protect your rights and defend your license.

Image is of a frustrated professional concept of Decatur professional license defense attorney

What is the Impact of Criminal Convictions on a Professional License?

As professional license defense attorneys, we have seen the devastating impact that a criminal conviction can have on a licensed professional’s career.

If you hold a professional license and have been convicted of a crime, it is crucial to understand the potential consequences for your license.

In Georgia, a criminal conviction can result in disciplinary action by the professional licensing board that oversees your license.

Depending on the severity of the crime and the potential impact on public safety, you could face a range of disciplinary actions, including license suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew your license.

Some of the factors that can impact the severity of the disciplinary action include the nature of the crime, the time that has passed since the conviction, the level of rehabilitation that you have undergone, and any mitigating circumstances surrounding the crime.

For example, a healthcare provider who has been convicted of drug trafficking or a DUI could face license suspension or revocation.

Similarly, a real estate agent who has been convicted of embezzlement or fraud could face disciplinary action that impacts their license.

It is essential to work with an experienced professional license defense attorney who can help you understand the potential impact of a criminal conviction on your license and provide guidance on the steps you can take to minimize any disciplinary action.

We can help you present a compelling case to the licensing board and work to protect your professional license and career. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can help.

What Activities Put Your Professional License at Risk?

Many licensed professionals in Georgia lose their licenses due to activities that break the law or violate their professional code of conduct. If you hold a professional license, it is crucial to understand the actions or behaviors that can threaten your license.

Here are some activities that put your professional license at risk:

Criminal Convictions

If you are convicted of a crime, particularly one related to your profession, your license may be at risk. Depending on the severity of the crime, the licensing board may take disciplinary action, including license suspension or revocation.

Substance Abuse

If you struggle with substance abuse or addiction, it can put your license at risk. This is particularly true for licensed professionals in healthcare or other safety-sensitive fields.

Being arrested for DUI can also put your license at risk.


Failing to provide adequate care, making errors, or neglecting your professional responsibilities can all put your license at risk. If your negligence results in harm to a patient or client, you may face disciplinary action.

Violations of Professional Standards

Each profession has specific ethical and professional standards that licensed professionals are expected to uphold. Failing to meet these standards can lead to disciplinary action by the licensing board.


This includes a wide range of behavior, such as sexual misconduct, harassment, fraud, or financial impropriety. Any type of misconduct that reflects poorly on your professional reputation can put your license at risk.

It is important to work with an experienced professional license defense attorney who can help you understand the potential risks to your license and provide guidance on the steps you can take to avoid disciplinary action.

If you are facing a complaint or investigation, we can help you navigate the complex legal process and protect your license and career. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can help.

How Can an Attorney Help You Defend Your Professional License?

If you are facing a complaint or investigation that could put your professional license at risk, it is crucial to work with an experienced professional license defense attorney. Here are some ways an attorney can help you defend your professional license:

Review Your Case

A professional license defense attorney can review your case and help you understand the potential risks to your license. They can provide guidance on the steps you can take to avoid disciplinary action and protect your license and career.

Represent You Before the Licensing Board

An attorney can represent you before the licensing board and present a compelling case in your defense. They can help you understand the legal process and the potential consequences of any disciplinary action.

Conduct an Investigation

If necessary, an attorney can conduct an independent investigation to gather evidence in your defense. They can work with expert witnesses and other professionals to build a strong case.

Negotiate a Settlement

In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate a settlement with the licensing board. An attorney can help you understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of a settlement and work to negotiate the best possible outcome.

Prepare for an Administrative Hearing

If your case goes to an administrative hearing, an attorney can help you prepare for the hearing, gather evidence, and present a strong defense. They can also represent you at the hearing and work to protect your rights and interests.

Overall, working with an experienced professional license defense attorney can help you navigate the complex legal process and protect your professional license and career.

Who Can Our Professional License Defense Attorneys Help?

Professional license defense attorneys can help anyone who holds a professional license and is facing a complaint or investigation that could put their license at risk. This includes licensed professionals in a wide range of fields, including, but not limited to:

  • Accounting
  • Dental
  • Medical
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacist
  • Veterinary

If you are facing a complaint or investigation related to your professional conduct, an experienced professional license defense attorney can help you navigate the complex legal process and protect your license and career.

They can help you understand the potential risks to your license and provide guidance on the steps you can take to avoid disciplinary action.

Professional license defense attorneys can also help licensed professionals who have been accused of misconduct or violations of professional standards.

They can conduct an independent investigation, gather evidence, and present a strong defense on your behalf. They can represent you before the licensing board and help you negotiate a settlement, if appropriate.

Additionally, they can assist with license reinstatement and appeals of disciplinary actions. If your license has been suspended or revoked, an attorney can help you understand the requirements for reinstatement and guide you through the appeals process.

Overall, professional license defense attorneys can help anyone who holds a professional license and is facing a complaint, investigation, or other legal challenge related to their professional conduct.

If you are in this situation, don’t wait – contact us today to discuss your case and learn how the SHElaw firm® can help.

Image is of a Decatur professional license defense attorney holding lady justice and scales

Get in Touch with a Professional License Defense Attorney in Decatur at SHElaw firm® Today

As professionals who require a license to practice our profession, our top priority is to protect your professional license and career.

If you are facing a complaint or investigation related to your professional conduct, we can help you understand the potential risks to your license and provide guidance on the steps you can take to avoid disciplinary action.

With our experience and knowledge of the legal process, the professional license defense attorneys at SHElaw firm® can help you navigate the complex system and represent you before the licensing board. We conduct an independent investigation, gather evidence, and present a strong defense on your behalf.

We also negotiate a settlement or prepare you for an administrative hearing, depending on your unique circumstances.

Ultimately, our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case and protect your professional license and career.

If you are facing a legal challenge related to your professional conduct, don’t wait – contact us today by calling 470-378-1162 to discuss your case and learn how we can help.

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